Generate Revenue
IoT Apps

Sell your software to global industrial clients

Generate revenue with IoT apps

Build and sell digital IoT services in no time

Focus on your domain expertise and stop worrying about sales infrastructure, usage tracking, or other technical details.


Fully managed billing

IronFlock tracks the usage of your app for all users and creates monthly invoices. IronFlock integrates with a global payment processor and transfers revenues directly to your seller account. We take 20% of your revenue for our services. 

Esta Monitor IoT App example
Marketing Content for IoT App's with readme and images

Add marketing content for your apps

Make your apps beautiful and easy to understand


Custom icons and custom docs

Provide attractive icons and descriptions for your apps. Add marketing content for app store users with Markdown.

Configure your pricing model

Set up and change your pricing model at any time


Usage-based or fixed pricing

Configure your app with daily, monthly or yearly usage-based pricing or use a one-off pricing model. Include recurring or one-time trial periods and configure volume rebates.

Different pricing models for IoT apps

Start selling in minutes

Focus on your app and leave the details of selling to IronFlock


Create a seller account

Upgrade your user account to a seller account in your profile for free and complete the Stripe seller onboarding process.

IronFlock Stripe Integration

Set up an IronFlock app

Add the app icon, marketing content, and pricing model. Set up user privileges.

create an app with repo and readme

Add code

Use the IronFlock Dev Studio to add code or import your existing Docker images and create a release.

That's it! Your app is now ready to be deployed to thousands of devices.

Release App into IoT App Store